Dr. Oliver K.-F. Klug

Of Counsel

Dr. Klug is a certified expert attorney in the field of labour law who consults national and international companies as well as public corporations, public authorities and societies exclusively with regard to individual and collective labour law.

Since 2007 Dr. Klug has been the managing director of an employers' association operating in the areas wholesale, foreign commerce and services in the Ruhr Region.

Apart from this, he advises and represents clients on labour law, in particular in court proceedings with regard to the protection against unlawful dismissal, but also in matters of the law of employees' representation and tariff law. A further focus of his work lies in the protection of employee data.

Areas of Specialization:
Labour law, labour court proceedings in all areas of labour law, in particular:

  • Protection against unlawful dismissal
  • GETA (General Equal Treatment Act)
  • Classification of employees
  • Hiring-out of personnel
  • Company agreements
  • Arbitration committees
  • Protection of employee data
  • Control of employees
  • Revision and compliance
  • Law on collective bargaining agreements



  • Co-author Knierim/Rübenstahl/Tsambikakis (Hrsg.), Handbuch Internal Investigations, C.F. Müller Verlag, 2nd Edition, 2016
  • Billiglohn, Tariflohn, Mindestlohn – was denn nun?, RuhrWirtschaft 6/2010, p. 20
  • Mit modernen Umgangsformen zum Erfolg, Sparkassenverlag, 2006
  • Karriere im Griff, W. Bertelsmann Verlag, 2005
  • Sobre el proceso penal como proceso de partes in Ambos/Lynett (Hrsg.) Constitutión y sistema acusatorio, Bogotá/Kolumbien 2005, p. 109 ff.
  • Zum Strafverfahren als Parteiprozess, ZRP 1999, 288.
  • Zur Rechtmäßigkeit steuerstrafrechtlicher Ermittlungen der Betriebsprüfer, Josef Eul Verlag, 1998.

Curriculum Vitae:

  • 1970 born in Cologne.
  • 1989 to 1994 legal studies at the Universities of Cologne and Lausanne.
  • 1996 to 1998 trainee lawyer at the Cologne Regional Court.
  • 1998 award of PhD (Dr. iur.) by the University of Cologne.
  • 1998 admission to the German bar (Düsseldorf).
  • 2002 award of the title "certified expert attorney on labour law".
  • 2007 to 2010 managing director of the Employers' Association Wholesale, Foreign Commerce and Services (Arbeitgeberverband Großhandel, Außenhandel, Dienstleistungen Westfalen-Mitte e.V.) in Dortmund.
    2009 TÜV certificate "The Data Protection Officer".
  • since 2010 head managing director of the AGAD, Arbeitgeberverband Großhandel, Außenhandel, Dienstleistungen e.V. in Bochum.

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